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Cherish Average Moments

Writer's picture: BeckyBecky

Mommies receive dandelion bouquets, daddies butterfly kisses, and grandparents stick people portraits. Don’t miss the average moments. They will be precious to you in a decade. Helping your child with math may not be your favorite part of the day, it doesn’t need to be. Just don’t miss it. Don’t miss connecting with your child.

My new roommate’s Skype account was awesome. Soon I was using my own to call family thousands of miles away. Video calling was a novel concept to me back then. It was much better than an email. Of course, email is much quicker than a letter sent by ship.

Yes, technology changes. Other generations would have loved a letter. Even with all of today’s technology, nothing compares to seeing a loved one face to face. Right now many governments call for social distancing. We want to see loved ones again. This is a trial, even if we can video chat or send cards. We want to be with people. We want to see others face to face.

A tractor rumbles in the distance as I type. What can I say? This terrible time is forcing us to rethink many things. How will we keep from going back to the old ways that were not good ways?

If we are not taking time to be positively involved in the lives of others right now, will we behave differently later? When the drape of social distancing is gone, can we ensure we continue to cherish time with other people?

My thoughts go to Jesus. While he lived on earth He ate with people, healed the sick, and had conversations. After His death His terrified disciples longed for those days again. Then He rose again. One of my favorite moments is when resurrected Jesus calls to his fishing disciples, “Come and have breakfast.” They ate. I imagine they weren’t distracted. They were together again with their Lord. (See John 21:9-14)

The stink of laundry, the undone dishes, and an incomplete assignment won’t last forever. Let’s make time for real, 3D conversations. Maybe they have to be through a 2D screen for now, but let’s connect with people. I’m confident that if we make this a priority now, we can keep it as a priority later. It won’t be easy. What valuable thing was ever easy to attain? Let’s have 3D conversations in a 2D world. Let’s not settle.


Make eye contact with your children, your spouse, or whoever is in your house.


Be together. Fun family time is a must.

Perhaps the words of Charles Dickens are yours right now, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Cherish the time you have with your children in this moment in history.

Though we have video calls, we look forward to being together again with loved ones who live outside our homes. We can still grow in our relationships right now, both those in and outside of our homes. Dare to have meaningful conversations now.

We have the Bible and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, yet we anticipate being together with our Savior in Heaven. It will be wonderful!

Let’s grow in our walk with the Lord and with the people He’s placed in our lives.

Children grow. Young people race into adulthood. Be there.

Questions to Ponder:

How is our world somewhat 2D right now? In what ways has it been 2D for a while?

What type of conversations are 3D?

How will you cherish average moments with your family?



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