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Kids on a Mission Devotional 3: Pumpkins and News Worth Sharing

Writer's picture: BeckyBecky

Kids On A Mission is a new to LifeAndLearning365. My intention is to share a child-friendly version of the devotionals that are already on our website. This devo is to help children share the Gospel. You are your child's first and most important teacher.

If you'd like a printable version of this devotional, which includes a pumpkin coloring sheet, please download the free file.

Kids on a Mission: Love God and Love People

Devotional 3: Pumpkins and News worth Sharing

By Becky Lane

Today's Mission: Share the Good News

What do you enjoy most about the fall? Why? Pumpkins are all over right now. My neighbor girl and her friend were selling their pumpkins in her front yard. I walked over and asked about their prices. The pumpkins looked great, their sign was good, and their prices were affordable. When a car drove by, the girls waved and each held up a small pumpkin. They talked about selling other things as well, perhaps crafts and caramel apples.


As I watched for a time, I realized that they would not have many customers. Why? Our road is not busy. How would anyone know about what the girls were selling? Why would someone who didn’t know about their sale, but wanted pumpkins, go down our road? It is possible, but not likely.

Do I do the same thing? As believers we are called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is Good News for the world. The message is wonderful and glorious. Though we are sinful, selfish people who are far from God, He draws us in through His Son, Jesus. We deserve to be separated from God, but Jesus came to earth to die on the cross as the payment for our sin! On the third day He rose again from the dead! He lives! Now we can have new life!

This is glorious, good news! Although Matthew 28 makes Christ’s command to “go” and share this clear, as believers we seem rather comfortable staying. We hope to tell people of a wonderful gift that God Himself has already paid for, we even put up a sign to tell people. Is our “road” busy with people who need to hear this message?

“For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’” (Romans 10:13-15 ESV)

As believers we are to be sharing the good news. Have we shared it recently? If not, it is time to go where the people are. Matthew 28:18-20 makes it clear that we are to go and that Jesus is with us.



Mission Review:

Today we learned that we can share the Good News!


Call Out*

We can share the Good News!


Let’s talk to God together (pray):

Dear Lord,

We are so grateful for your mercy and love. Please help us to share your glorious good news with those around us and those you send us to. Give us the humility, love, grace and courage to do so. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


Do you want to learn more?

Take a look at Matthew 28:16-20.


Questions to Think About:

How are you sharing the hope of Jesus with others?

What emotions do you have about sharing the Good News?

Who is someone you can share the love and hope of Jesus with?

Note to parents:

Maybe you don’t feel qualified to share the Good News and sharing this with your own children may feel like a challenge. Remember that God is the One who wrote the story of Salvation, and He gave us His Word and His Spirit. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Deuteronomy 6 make it clear that you are called by God to tell your children about Him. It’s an everyday gift to share Him with your babies, as you walk along the road, as you lay down and as you get up. The more you are in His Word and enjoying His presence yourself, the more natural talking about Him will be.


Coloring sheets:

Enjoy the coloring sheet found after this devotional. As you and your children color, open up a conversation. What has made you feel afraid, but you knew it was right and you did it anyway? Let your children ask healthy questions. They need to know you are listening and want to know their heart, not just certain answers. You can share with them times you received God’s love and forgiveness. Sharing a time when you deserved one thing (a punishment) and received another (grace and forgiveness) will help your child see that you know you also need a Savior and that you appreciate His love! It could be a story from your childhood or something more recent. Remember, stories go a long way. Every person has a purpose. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. They will constantly need reminders of God’s love and forgiveness. Remember that the Lord has given you the beautiful responsibility of teaching your child about Him (Deuteronomy 6). You are doing amazing work!



*A call out is a fun way to engage children. The leader says the first part and the children say the second part. It is best to repeat this several times. These statements can be used later on as well! While you and your family are driving in the car, doing the dishes, or cleaning, call outs can help families remember what they have been studying in devotions.


Looking for a more? Another version of this devotional can be found on the website.



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