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Leading Children in Song

Writer's picture: BeckyBecky

Before “social distancing” was to this extreme for the virus, I was spending time with family. My cousin has a little boy who is over a year and a half old. He is still in the sweet babbling stage. Our family was discussing serious things related to the coronavirus. The little one knew the conversation was serious and chimed in, “Doh doh doh” with a low, solemn tone. It was sweet that he wanted to participate.

As parents you set the tone for your family.

How we respond to situations impacts others. Let’s be deliberate in comforting and encouraging the children in our lives during these times. What does your family do in the midst of these unexpected situations? As a teacher I love to sing with my students. I prefer it to be part of our daily routine if at all possible (and no, I’m not a music teacher). : ) It helps to build community.

Here are some fun songs for little ones:

* Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

* Five Little Ducks Went Out One Day

* Itsy-Bitsy Spider

* Hokey Pokey

* I’m a Little Teapot

* Baby Shark

Singing can be a great way to encourage children and strengthen the family.

When I was in kindergarten, we learned some songs about building character. My mom purchased the sheet music and the cassette tape. Our parents took us on many road trips and we sang together along the way. We would replay tapes again and again. When hard things came up, I could think of songs related to the situation. As a Christian I find songs to be comforting and a way to express my trust in God or praise Him!

Whatever your background or faith, there are songs you can use to encourage your children. Here are some that Christian families may enjoy.

Here are some active songs with a Christian message:

* Deep and Wide

* I’ve Got Peace Like a River

* This Little Light of Mine

* My God is So Big

* I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy

* I’ve Got Joy Down in My Heart

* Jesus is My Best Friend

* The Tae-Kwon-Do Song (I Will Call Upon the Lord)

* Oh, Be Careful Little Eyes

* I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” (Psalm 98:4 ESV)

How can we praise the Lord in times like these? Singing praises to God has been known to set prisoners free! Remember Paul and Silas?

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bonds were unfastened.” (Acts 16:25-26 ESV)

When people sing, others listen. Singing doesn’t need to be perfect to encourage others.

Music is more fun together!

Questions to Ponder

How does your family choose to respond to these unexpected situations?

What songs does your family enjoy?


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