When Diana's girls, who had a dog at home, first met a puppy they pointed to its tail and asked, “What’s that?”
The dog they had was a rescue and did not have a tail.
My sister and I were blessed to babysit their little girls. Diana explained all that we needed to know about taking care of the girls for the evening. She also shared the dog's needs. "You’ll need to flash the lights to call her back inside,” Diana explained, “She’s deaf.”
Isn’t that just like Diana? She found ways to communicate with each of us. Specifically, she found ways to communicate love to us. Perhaps it was explaining something about animal care, helping you with your physical needs, or being the one to listen as you cried. Why? That’s because she loves God. It was her love for God and His love for you that poured out of her.
“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2 (NIV)
God’s love is the standard. He found a way to communicate His love to broken people.
Through His only begotten Son, Jesus, God communicated to impossible people like me. God called Paul by speaking to him, blinding him, and sending a reluctant servant to pray for him. After three days, He healed him physically and was filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 9:1-19) Paul became a follower of Christ and obediently shared God’s loving message of Christ Jesus with as many as possible.
Sometimes God does not bring the physical healing and that was the case with Diana. Her body was broken, but she her heart was mended through Christ.
Until her memorial service, I forgot about how her daughters didn’t know dog’s had tails. What I cannot forgot is the loving way Diana loved all of us. Although Diana did not see physical healing on this side of eternity, she is whole. Her life points us back to the Creator and tells us to also live a life of love.
God is using His Word and speaking through obedient people like Diana, who embrace us as we are, to help us see we are loved. God is speaking.
A Prayer
Dear God, thank You for the love you have given so abundantly. Thank You for the example of people You have placed in my life. Please help me to be the person You created me to be and love You and people well. In Your Holy Name, Amen.
Questions to Ponder
Who in your life has God used to show you His love?
How will you follow that example?
Who else could I put but my parents and God's Word? Well, if I were anyone else there might be anyone else but since the first is true, I'll stick with them.