Kids On A Mission is a new part of LifeAndLearning365. My intention is to share a child-friendly version of the devotionals that are already on our website so families can enjoy them together.
If you'd like a free printable version of this devotional, which includes a sunflower coloring page, please download the file.

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Kids on a Mission: Love God and Love People
Devotional 2: Sunflowers and Buckets of Grace
By Becky Lane
What is your favorite flower? Have you ever seen a field of flowers? My dad used to grow acres of sunflowers. If you don’t live in the country, you might not know how big an acre is. An American football field is a little bit bigger than an acre. A FIFA-regulated soccer field is almost two acres. A baseball field is about four and a half acres. Picture a baseball field with flowers growing. It would be close to impossible to count them all!
My dad planted the sunflowers to give away. It was fun to cut sunflowers from the field and give them away. Often I would fill buckets with sunflowers and take them to people. People were very surprised when I gave them flowers because normally you have to pay quite a bit of money for a flower. Then people would think I was being so generous and kind. Really, I was giving away what my father planted. All the vases and buckets I filled and gave away did not make a dent in the field of flowers.
When I choose to be kind and forgiving, sometimes people are surprised. They don’t need to be surprised though because I’m giving away what my Heavenly Father gave me. I have done so many wrong things and sinned against Him so many times. He sent Jesus, His Son, to make a way for me to be forgiven. If I forgive, it is because I know what a gift it is to be forgiven!
God’s love for you is much bigger than any field!
Here’s what Psalm 103:10-13 says,
“He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;” Psalm 103:10-13 (NIV)
Let’s look at Luke 7:40-43 together.
Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to tell you.”
“Tell me, teacher,” he said.
“Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?”
Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.”
“You have judged correctly,” Jesus said.
Luke 7:40-43 NIV
If you know God and His love and forgiveness, people might be surprised that you give it away, but we know His love and forgiveness is much bigger than we could count. People will see Him as you give!
Mission Review:
Today we learned that we give because we received.
Call Out*
We give because we received.

Let’s talk to God together (pray):
Dear God, You are so good! Thank You for the gifts of love, forgiveness, and grace You give me. Without You, I would not have those gifts to give. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Do you want to learn more?
Check out Psalm 103:10-13
Questions to Think About:
When has someone shown you forgiveness?
How did you respond?
How will you share God’s forgiveness with others?
Note to parents:
Taking a trip to a farm where there’s a crop of flowers, corn, soybeans or something growing could help your child see a glimpse of how very big God’s love and forgiveness is! If that’s not an option, try taking a trip to a local sports field or park with a big open field. It would be fun to share the this mission with your child on location.
Coloring sheets:
Enjoy the coloring sheet found after this devotional. As you and your children color, share with them times you received God’s love and forgiveness. Sharing a time when you deserved one thing (a punishment) and received another (grace and forgiveness) will help your child see that you know you also need a Savior and that you appreciate His love! It could be a story from your childhood or something more recent. Remember, stories go a long way. Every person has a purpose. You are your child’s first and most important teacher. They will constantly need reminders of God’s love and forgiveness. Remember that the Lord has given you the beautiful responsibility of teaching your child about Him (Deuteronomy 6). You are doing amazing work!
*A call out is a fun way to engage children. The leader says the first part and the children say the second part. It is best to repeat this several times. These statements can be used later on as well! While you and your family are driving in the car, doing the dishes, or cleaning, call outs can help families remember what they have been studying in devotions.
Looking for a more? Another version of this devotional can be found on the website. It is aimed at grownups who are more rooted in their faith. https://www.lifeandlearning365.com/post/sunflowers-and-buckets-of-grace-a-devotion