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The Quilt

Writer's picture: BeckyBecky

II Thessalonians 3:5 (ESV) “5 May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.”

The beautiful quilt was a treasured possession. It was handstitched by a beloved elderly woman at church. I took it with me when I moved and her warm gift reminded me that I was loved.

There was one problem, I couldn’t tell which way the nearly square blanket was supposed to go. It would take me much too long to figure it out each time I washed the quilt. Sometimes things in life, even things we know are precious, don’t seem to be as clear to understand as we would like. We know we have the general idea, but is this really how it was made to go? Even if I didn’t have the quilt the right direction, I knew it would still serve its purpose. The blanket would bring warmth, whether or not I managed to have it turned 180 degrees.

One day I noticed that the intricate quilting stitches formed hearts at each small square of the patchwork. These stitches did more than hold the patchwork, batting, and back panel together; they communicated a message of love. Finally I realized that the small hearts all faced the same direction, the direction the quilt was made to go! I would not idly wonder anymore.

That sweet and simple discovery brings me a reminder. Things in life can be confusing; we can feel disoriented, and unsure. When we are still and observe the details, which communicate God’s love for us and others, the big picture will become clear as well. God does not leave us in the cold or without direction. He gave us His Son and invites us to know Him through His Word.

II Thessalonians 2:16-17 (ESV) “16 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, 17 comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.”

Dear God,

Thank You for the way You speak to us. Thank You for stitching in loving details throughout creation and our lives. Although I cannot see the entire picture now, I trust that You are good, Your Word is true, and that You are always weaving Your perfect plans. In Jesus Name, Amen.

What comfort do you find in knowing God directs our hearts to His love and Christ’s steadfastness?

How have you seen small reminders of God’s love and truth in your life?


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